
  • How I Evolved From Being A Trawell Blogger To A Trawell Author

    How I Evolved From Being A Trawell Blogger To A Trawell Author

    As I finished writing the final pages of my first ebook – The Uttarakhand Diaries – Unspoken Tales From The Mountains, I looked out of the window of my study wondering if what I was doing was the right thing? I mean, who reads travel books as much, when there are more important things to…

  • 15 Instagrammable Beach Resorts in Maldives That Are Surprisingly Cheaper
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    15 Instagrammable Beach Resorts in Maldives That Are Surprisingly Cheaper

    Okay, so for most of the travelers, it must be a stereotype that island beach resorts are beyond their travel budget, right? Afterall, we are good at stereotyping things and go for the easy way out instead, right? The good news is that the Maldives Island seems to differ from this stereotype. Here are 15…

  • लेह – इन पहाड़ों में कुछ बात है
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    लेह – इन पहाड़ों में कुछ बात है

    मेरा जीवन पहाड़ों से काफी अधिक प्रभावित हुआ है, चाहे वह पूर्वोत्तर भारत के हिमालय पर्वत की श्रृंखलाएं हो, या फिर उत्तराखंड की असीमित चोटियाँ. चाहे वह गारो या ख़ासी की हरी भरी पहाड़ियां हों या फिर गंगटोक में धुंध की चादर ओढ़े हुए कंचनजंगा के अद्भुत दृश्य. इन पहाड़ों से मैंने हमेशा एक असीमित…


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